Thursday, February 17, 2011

Germanies Road to Immagration

Reason For Leaving:
Around the Year 1700, Germans were leaving to the European countries, the Western Hemisphere, and Australia to find easier lives because of violent conditions. Another reason why they left their homeland was because they were constantly being attacked by armies of various. When they arrived to their new places they were constantly robbed and tortured, entire villages burned and inhabitants killed.

Journey To the U.S
Because of all the acts of violence and problems the German were facing they decided to go somewhere else. In 1709, 3,000 Germans crossed to New York. By the year of 1745 an estimate of 45,000 Germans immigrated to Pennsylvania alone. In the U.S most Germans lived in the countryside, only about 2/5 lived in cities larger than 25,000 people.
German Group Lifestyle:
Germans went to live in the U.S, a real high percentage of Germans worked as farmers. The Germans prefer to live in areas were other Germans were found. the large number of German farmers could be found in the Midwest and Texas, others went to California. West coast farmers didn't live up to the stereotype and would sacrifice fertile land just to live near to other Germans, also many Germans would form communities. these German communities would produce larger industries and would make Germans have more and different jobs such as bakers, butchers, cabinetmakers, cigar makers, distillers, machinists, and tailors.

Reflection of my Learning.
On the information that i have gathered i think that immigration is a good thing because at that time Germans could would get jobs, work and have a good life. if it were me immigration to the U.S at that time i would be very scared because of the new things good and bad that could happen.
Information acquired from

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