Friday, March 25, 2011

Indians Lifeless Road....

           The Indians had a very hard time, living with the conflict of being thrown away from their land by the whites. Their lives were miserable because of the whites. In this essay I will explain how the lives of the Indians were before they got their land taken away, after they fought and lost, and their lives on the reservation.

The Indians were forced to give up the Black Hills because they touched the pen making them in other words sign the Contract. The lands had many gold that the Whites took for themselves, and then use the land for the whites to use to make their homes. Many Whites inherited their land and they were forced to go live somewhere else. One Indian chief sitting bull was ready for war to have their lands be rightfully theirs. They fought against the whites and had to retreat to a safer place away from the Whites. In that battle in Center Creek Valley the whites overpowered the Indians white their advance weaponry. The one that assured the whites victory was the cannon that killed and wounded many Indians making them retreat.

The Indians went to the journey to live in Canada, because the whites were making them live in concentration camps, and change their ways. They could live in Canada with conflict they had to be peaceful and not start any fights, or use Canada as a headquarters to attack the US. This was very hard for many Indians because they wanted revenge or some of them just wanted to live in the concentration camps. If the Indians were to run away sitting bull would hunt for them, and make them stay with all the other Indians. After some of the Indians started dying because of the weather, some Indians broke the rule the Canadians; they stole some horses from another Indians tribe. Sitting bull didn’t want to get sent back to the area were the whites are and he punished the Indians who broke the rule to prove he wanted to stay in Canada. After a while all the Indians started to leave for the concentration camps until only sitting bull and his family stayed.

The Indians couldn’t survive the harsh Snow of Canada and many started to die. Some Indians decided to leave to the Concentration camps, but their Chief Sitting Bull decided to stay. In the end he decided to go to the other Indians. He was surprised to find out that all Indians are treated equally. Sitting bull was killed because he didn’t want to go in because he wasn’t treated equally because people still locked up to him as the chief. Charles Eastman left the job as a doctor and left to help Indians his way.

In this essay I explained the whole life of the Indians before during and after their fight against the whites. Still today many whites live in the reservations and the Indians are dying out. The Supreme Court after many years decided to give millions to the Indians but they did not want it they just wanted their land back.

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