Friday, March 25, 2011

Reflection on other Blogs!

Hiomark: Hiomarks post had very interesting and some different facts about the Indians and the whites. overall everything came out to be the same conclusion. Many of the Indians are losing their lives and their species. Many of the Indians are dying out.

Nestor: Nestor blog has many facts about the Indians, it really shows how the miserable life the Indians have after the whites came to take everything away. Many Indians even wanted to commit suicide.

Irelis: the facts that Irelis posted were really sad how the whites would mistreat the Indians, and kill them just because of things of their religion for example the ghost dance. Many Indians were killed because of that.

Itze: many of the Indians of Itze's blog post had many problems in their life because of how miserable the white made it. Her facts were very accurate to the real story that happened in real life.

Edrick: Edricks facts were very interesting, because it it made a picture in your head of how the Indians were suffering. And the whites wouldn't care how or what they did to the Indians, they kept them in a controlled place were the Indians could only do what the whites wanted them to.

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