Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Teenagers civil rights

There are many civil right groups in the world. Many of them always fight for their rights because they are broken by the government or higher power. The things that people make them go through aren't right and that's why they fight for their civil rights.

Teenagers had many problems in their lives. Many of them have their rights like getting emancipated from their parents at age 16. Many teenagers do this because they are mistreated by their parents or if they have a hard life. An official teenager civil right group hasn't been created yet because of many reasons like parents not letting them do anything. The strength of the group is very low and their isn't much movement but maybe in the future many teenagers WILL fight for many of their rights.

There are many examples of problems that many teenagers have had were they are thrown away from their houses or even killed.... A really sad story about this teenager that was killed because he whistled at a white female. It was in 1955.

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