Monday, April 18, 2011

Class Proposal Nomination! - Really talk about things like discrimination. I personally have experience with that, i get called stupid Mexican or dirty Puerto Rican by Americans. - Hiomark's proposal talk about the change that need to happen or the improvement of jobs not letting women work in jobs that are thought to be just for men. Even any other job that doesn't like having women working. - Its really good that she defends gay rights when really if you count the people that do and don't support it its really nothing. - its really important how people act around disabled people because they may get offended or get hurt if you mistakenly say something. Also they need to get more help by the community. - She really explained how unfair it is for women not to have rights and that they should because everyone is equal. - randy really shows how people don't have respect for veterans that have fought for their contry. - her is of immigrants rights, and i think they should have a chance to be US citizens. - Mandy's proposal is very true about the fact that muslims are being mistreated just because they are. Things like thins shouldn't happen because the truth is that they are people just like any one else. - its true about that African Americans are still being discriminated against and that these things should really change. - Really what jenny wrote about is true. If teens can get the license at age 16 why cant they get the right to vote as well? This is something that has to change.

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