Monday, April 18, 2011

Teenagers Proposal!!!!!

We the teen would like make a proposal to the supreme court. This proposal will be to help all teens in need of help and support. we would like you fellow Supreme Court members to support this proposal that you are about to read.

We would like to have interviews of teenagers of every house. We would like to start small, having people going to every house that has teenagers to interview them to see how their life is with the people around them. After that is done we would ask the parents what they think about their child. If the teenager is having a hard life and would like to life away from their parents, we would get him emancipated if he or she desires. If their parent doesn't approve we would like to take those cases to court. We would also like to have a home for these teenagers until they get to their feet and good enough to live by themselves. These homes would be like a shelter for teens, it will supply with everything they would have on their own home.

We would highly recommend this proposal and we know that with your help we can change the lives of many teens. It would take few years to have everything set up for the teens coming. If we work fast enough we can finish this very fast, and it will help many of teens horrible lives.

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