Friday, April 8, 2011

Teenage Civilization Mistreated

In the Teenage civil rights groups many and all teenager are being mistreated completely by uncaring parents, siblings, and different peers. many of them try to fight this by getting emancipated to get away from all this mistreatment. the government does not give teenagers the opportunity to prove that they have what it takes to live by themselves, because of the mistreatment they are having in their lives.

The teenagers should make a trial for their mistreatment and their rights to getting emancipated. They are constantly getting mistreated and they cant do anything about it, because bad parents hold them down, hit and close them out not letting them fight for themselves. Many teenagers don't even try to fight and end up living a miserable life and end up in the streets into drugs.

The government should make a law that all parents should be supportive and caring for their children. The government should help families in need with problems that would effect how teenagers and all children are mistreated.

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