Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stuggle and Activism of Teens

Many teens all around every year are being discriminated against by everyone around them. No matter what they try to do they are not heard enough because of how people look at them. they were looked as irresponsible unable to think straight reckless teens.

Teens in a group haven't taken action because the government doesn't let them because of their age, or because of their way of being. If teens were to fight back it would be on their own in the time being. They don't result in a violent matter on the other hand kids that just cant take it do result to violence other go to court and ask for emancipation. It would only become the judges decision to grant teens emancipation for them to leave the bad lives they have with their parents or guardians.

In the future there may be a group formed by the emancipated teens that would live to save other teens from being treated badly by everyone around them. Also the government would take more into consideration of helping out the teens having a bad life.

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