Monday, April 18, 2011

Class Proposal Nomination! - Really talk about things like discrimination. I personally have experience with that, i get called stupid Mexican or dirty Puerto Rican by Americans. - Hiomark's proposal talk about the change that need to happen or the improvement of jobs not letting women work in jobs that are thought to be just for men. Even any other job that doesn't like having women working. - Its really good that she defends gay rights when really if you count the people that do and don't support it its really nothing. - its really important how people act around disabled people because they may get offended or get hurt if you mistakenly say something. Also they need to get more help by the community. - She really explained how unfair it is for women not to have rights and that they should because everyone is equal. - randy really shows how people don't have respect for veterans that have fought for their contry. - her is of immigrants rights, and i think they should have a chance to be US citizens. - Mandy's proposal is very true about the fact that muslims are being mistreated just because they are. Things like thins shouldn't happen because the truth is that they are people just like any one else. - its true about that African Americans are still being discriminated against and that these things should really change. - Really what jenny wrote about is true. If teens can get the license at age 16 why cant they get the right to vote as well? This is something that has to change.

Teenagers Proposal!!!!!

We the teen would like make a proposal to the supreme court. This proposal will be to help all teens in need of help and support. we would like you fellow Supreme Court members to support this proposal that you are about to read.

We would like to have interviews of teenagers of every house. We would like to start small, having people going to every house that has teenagers to interview them to see how their life is with the people around them. After that is done we would ask the parents what they think about their child. If the teenager is having a hard life and would like to life away from their parents, we would get him emancipated if he or she desires. If their parent doesn't approve we would like to take those cases to court. We would also like to have a home for these teenagers until they get to their feet and good enough to live by themselves. These homes would be like a shelter for teens, it will supply with everything they would have on their own home.

We would highly recommend this proposal and we know that with your help we can change the lives of many teens. It would take few years to have everything set up for the teens coming. If we work fast enough we can finish this very fast, and it will help many of teens horrible lives.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teenagers change!

It the fight for teens right not many things have happened. Teenagers are still being controlled by bad parents and the government. They still fight but they still don't get the chance to make a protest. The government should take time and hear out what many of these mistreated unappreciated teens are going through.

Not much change is happening. teens are still trying to make themselves responsible for them, and they only do this cause of people around them treating them like they aren't worth nothing and that is reason enough not want to have their own rights and one of them is getting emancipated so they cant start the highly expected change that the teens will do. It all depends on them if the change they are going to go through is good or bad.

In the past a big civil right event haven't happened yet and in present day neither. Many teens really hope they can find a chance to fight for themselves. to do that they may have to risk alot because of the hold they have from their parents and the government.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stuggle and Activism of Teens

Many teens all around every year are being discriminated against by everyone around them. No matter what they try to do they are not heard enough because of how people look at them. they were looked as irresponsible unable to think straight reckless teens.

Teens in a group haven't taken action because the government doesn't let them because of their age, or because of their way of being. If teens were to fight back it would be on their own in the time being. They don't result in a violent matter on the other hand kids that just cant take it do result to violence other go to court and ask for emancipation. It would only become the judges decision to grant teens emancipation for them to leave the bad lives they have with their parents or guardians.

In the future there may be a group formed by the emancipated teens that would live to save other teens from being treated badly by everyone around them. Also the government would take more into consideration of helping out the teens having a bad life.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Teenage Civilization Mistreated

In the Teenage civil rights groups many and all teenager are being mistreated completely by uncaring parents, siblings, and different peers. many of them try to fight this by getting emancipated to get away from all this mistreatment. the government does not give teenagers the opportunity to prove that they have what it takes to live by themselves, because of the mistreatment they are having in their lives.

The teenagers should make a trial for their mistreatment and their rights to getting emancipated. They are constantly getting mistreated and they cant do anything about it, because bad parents hold them down, hit and close them out not letting them fight for themselves. Many teenagers don't even try to fight and end up living a miserable life and end up in the streets into drugs.

The government should make a law that all parents should be supportive and caring for their children. The government should help families in need with problems that would effect how teenagers and all children are mistreated.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Teenagers civil rights

There are many civil right groups in the world. Many of them always fight for their rights because they are broken by the government or higher power. The things that people make them go through aren't right and that's why they fight for their civil rights.

Teenagers had many problems in their lives. Many of them have their rights like getting emancipated from their parents at age 16. Many teenagers do this because they are mistreated by their parents or if they have a hard life. An official teenager civil right group hasn't been created yet because of many reasons like parents not letting them do anything. The strength of the group is very low and their isn't much movement but maybe in the future many teenagers WILL fight for many of their rights.

There are many examples of problems that many teenagers have had were they are thrown away from their houses or even killed.... A really sad story about this teenager that was killed because he whistled at a white female. It was in 1955.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Reflection on other Blogs!

Hiomark: Hiomarks post had very interesting and some different facts about the Indians and the whites. overall everything came out to be the same conclusion. Many of the Indians are losing their lives and their species. Many of the Indians are dying out.

Nestor: Nestor blog has many facts about the Indians, it really shows how the miserable life the Indians have after the whites came to take everything away. Many Indians even wanted to commit suicide.

Irelis: the facts that Irelis posted were really sad how the whites would mistreat the Indians, and kill them just because of things of their religion for example the ghost dance. Many Indians were killed because of that.

Itze: many of the Indians of Itze's blog post had many problems in their life because of how miserable the white made it. Her facts were very accurate to the real story that happened in real life.

Edrick: Edricks facts were very interesting, because it it made a picture in your head of how the Indians were suffering. And the whites wouldn't care how or what they did to the Indians, they kept them in a controlled place were the Indians could only do what the whites wanted them to.

Indians Lifeless Road....

           The Indians had a very hard time, living with the conflict of being thrown away from their land by the whites. Their lives were miserable because of the whites. In this essay I will explain how the lives of the Indians were before they got their land taken away, after they fought and lost, and their lives on the reservation.

The Indians were forced to give up the Black Hills because they touched the pen making them in other words sign the Contract. The lands had many gold that the Whites took for themselves, and then use the land for the whites to use to make their homes. Many Whites inherited their land and they were forced to go live somewhere else. One Indian chief sitting bull was ready for war to have their lands be rightfully theirs. They fought against the whites and had to retreat to a safer place away from the Whites. In that battle in Center Creek Valley the whites overpowered the Indians white their advance weaponry. The one that assured the whites victory was the cannon that killed and wounded many Indians making them retreat.

The Indians went to the journey to live in Canada, because the whites were making them live in concentration camps, and change their ways. They could live in Canada with conflict they had to be peaceful and not start any fights, or use Canada as a headquarters to attack the US. This was very hard for many Indians because they wanted revenge or some of them just wanted to live in the concentration camps. If the Indians were to run away sitting bull would hunt for them, and make them stay with all the other Indians. After some of the Indians started dying because of the weather, some Indians broke the rule the Canadians; they stole some horses from another Indians tribe. Sitting bull didn’t want to get sent back to the area were the whites are and he punished the Indians who broke the rule to prove he wanted to stay in Canada. After a while all the Indians started to leave for the concentration camps until only sitting bull and his family stayed.

The Indians couldn’t survive the harsh Snow of Canada and many started to die. Some Indians decided to leave to the Concentration camps, but their Chief Sitting Bull decided to stay. In the end he decided to go to the other Indians. He was surprised to find out that all Indians are treated equally. Sitting bull was killed because he didn’t want to go in because he wasn’t treated equally because people still locked up to him as the chief. Charles Eastman left the job as a doctor and left to help Indians his way.

In this essay I explained the whole life of the Indians before during and after their fight against the whites. Still today many whites live in the reservations and the Indians are dying out. The Supreme Court after many years decided to give millions to the Indians but they did not want it they just wanted their land back.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Classmates Reflection

I like Randy's Blog post because first it talks about the same people that i did, the Germans. Randy's blog really talks about the experience the German had to go through good and bad. its really surprising how many Germans lives were miserable because of the violence.
For more info on Randy's blog the link is below.

Wow Nestor's research on Italians immigration problems were really sad, especially the part of having no money and living in a small house with more than 9 or 10 family members. its really a problem being poor and having many problems were you live especially if there's violence going on. Most of the population couldn't even read or write now there's a serious problem that many of them had to face.
For more info on Nestor's blog Please visit the link below

On itze's research i found mutual information that was really sad every time i read it. if you come to think about it Germans really had no choice but to move to the US, unless they wanted to keep getting robbed and tortured. the best decision they did was moving to the US even if there would be people that wouldn't want them there but at least its better than being tortured right? I really think this blog was really informative about the Germans immigration history.
If you are interested on finding out what im talking about please visit the link below.

In ireliz research many Italians didn't have a good life like all the other immigrants. they hoped to reaching the US to have a better life, to reach The American Dream like many wanted. Farm land prices went up and the Italian had to get a job, many of them were unskilled laborers and had to get jobs. The jobs they had to go with were shoe shinning, rag picking, sewer cleaning, and whatever hard, dirty, dangerous jobs others did not want. there life was really hard but it was better than there old life in Italy.
For more info visit the link below.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Family Tree

I looked for some information in the Internet of were did my family originated from or immigrated from. It turns out that not only my mothers side of the family but also my fathers family was originally from Spain. My mothers side immigrated to New York and My fathers side immigrated to Connecticut. Its really interesting that Both my mothers and fathers side of the families ancestors immigrated from Spain but still to different states in the U.S.

Immigration Influx of Prosperous Mexican Families Fleeing Violence

In this video it explains why many Mexican families are looking for a good place to live because of so much violence that is happening in Mexico. From Mexico 9/10 families look for houses in a safe neighborhood and are immigrating legally. I really do think that innocent people in Mexico are getting hurt and should get out of there as soon as possible. Mexico should be working harder to try and stop all the violence and the U.S should be helping as well.

Deutsche Vornamen- My Immigration Journal

April 14th 1746
It has been only a few months since me and my family immigrated to Pennsylvania in the U.S. We are all hoping to live the American dream. These past few days we have been having some problems with locals from where we live. The American families show signs that they don't want us there to be living in the same place as them.

April 15th 1746
Everyday after the other I'm feeling like little by little we are getting more accustomed to the way's of the American citizens. Today earlier in the afternoon i sat with the only American ever since we started to live here. He had many questions about our family and our moving here, i really didn't have any problem answering his question. I finally made my first friend here in the U.S.

April 16th 1746
Today was my first day at the job. Since we are immigrants from Germany i didn't like have the best job in the world but nothing is worse. my boss though is really harsh on me cause i am the only German ever since the big migration. The job that I'm attending right now is cleaning the bathrooms every hour for the workers of the clothing factory, there over 1,000 workers and only 4 bathrooms.

April 17th 1746
Yesterday after a hard and stinky days work I finally got food at the table for my family to enjoy. My 10 year old boy is doing great at school and my wife is doing great at home. I really hope this good luck keeps coming our way so we can reach our goal to living the American Dream.

Germanies Road to Immagration

Reason For Leaving:
Around the Year 1700, Germans were leaving to the European countries, the Western Hemisphere, and Australia to find easier lives because of violent conditions. Another reason why they left their homeland was because they were constantly being attacked by armies of various. When they arrived to their new places they were constantly robbed and tortured, entire villages burned and inhabitants killed.

Journey To the U.S
Because of all the acts of violence and problems the German were facing they decided to go somewhere else. In 1709, 3,000 Germans crossed to New York. By the year of 1745 an estimate of 45,000 Germans immigrated to Pennsylvania alone. In the U.S most Germans lived in the countryside, only about 2/5 lived in cities larger than 25,000 people.
German Group Lifestyle:
Germans went to live in the U.S, a real high percentage of Germans worked as farmers. The Germans prefer to live in areas were other Germans were found. the large number of German farmers could be found in the Midwest and Texas, others went to California. West coast farmers didn't live up to the stereotype and would sacrifice fertile land just to live near to other Germans, also many Germans would form communities. these German communities would produce larger industries and would make Germans have more and different jobs such as bakers, butchers, cabinetmakers, cigar makers, distillers, machinists, and tailors.

Reflection of my Learning.
On the information that i have gathered i think that immigration is a good thing because at that time Germans could would get jobs, work and have a good life. if it were me immigration to the U.S at that time i would be very scared because of the new things good and bad that could happen.
Information acquired from